State And Regional

ODH: No change in Ohio school vaccine requirement

CDC advisory group endorses adding COVID shots to recommended vaccine schedule An advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted Thursday to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of recommended immunizations for children and adults. (-slav-/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

COLUMBUS — The Center for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendation on the Covid-19 vaccine for children will not change Ohio’s school vaccine requirement, Doctor Bruce Vanderhoff, Director of the Ohio Department of Health, said in a statement Friday.

>>CDC advisory group endorses adding COVID-19 shots to recommended vaccine schedule

“The State of Ohio does not mandate the Covid-19 vaccine for school attendance,” he said. “Ohio law determines required vaccines for school attendance.”

An advisory committee to the CDC voted Thursday to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of recommended immunizations for children and adults.

The recommendation from the ACIP is not a requirement for vaccines, but an addition to a list of recommended vaccinations provided by the CDC.

“The ACIP vote does not change Ohio law,” said Vanderhoff. “The state’s list of required vaccines can only be changed through legislation.”